Saturday, 27 June 2015

What do I think of gay marriage?

The world was in such an awe when the United States of America declared the rights for same-sex marriage. The gay people have finally proven their rights. And there are many people who support it. It was legal before but only in some of the states of America. Now it is legal in all 50. 

I get it. When I see it from a different angle.. I see these people being happy and they just won the basic right to be in love regardless of the gender. 

But I'm a Muslim.. And Islam has taught me that homosexuality is strictly prohibited. 

God has mentioned it in the Quran that men are made for women and women are made for men. We have no power to change that. God has made it our nature to be attracted to the opposite gender. It is our responsibility to carry on and follow the commandment. 

But there are the devils. They will never be satisfied and they will try their best to set us astray. It was their promise to God that they will skulk the sons of Adam into their net. In this case, they had succeeded. 

How can I say yes to this? How can I make myself believe to something that I was raised to not to? How can I go against my belief just to fit in with the mind of the society? 

I can never say yes to the legalization of same-sex marriage. 

The world that we live in today has changed. Its incomparable to the world it was 300 years ago. Some people might give the same reason as to blend in with the social changes and accept it. 

As Muslims, we should never go against the word of God. We can already see of what happened to the people of Lot. God had befallen upon them a severe punishment that destructed Sodom.

"Beware of a retribution that may not be limited to the evildoers among you (homosexuals). You should know that God's retribution is severe." [Quran 8:25] 

Homosexuality is absolutely condemned in Islam.