Watching all these movies about romance and weddings makes me wanna have my own love story and plan my wedding day.
But that ain't gonna happen anytime soon.
Being a 21 year old girl, just like everyone else my age.. we have dreams to catch, things to accomplish before we start a life with someone else. Marriage is a huge commitment and I'm not ready for that yet. I still have a whole world out there to see. I still have goals to score. Getting married is probably one of them, but thats not my concern right now.
I used to be worried about getting married. But since these past few months, I started to see things differently. Something hit me and I think marriage is not the answer to everything that I want. Of course it would delightful if you already found someone who's willing to sacrifice for your happiness. But if you haven't, don't fret. It's still a long journey ahead. And I am ready to explore it.