Sunday, 27 April 2014


Hellooo everyone :D

I've been wanting to have a blog since forever. But since i'm buta IT, I didn't know how to do it. I'm at home in Damansara and Athirah is with me, so she kinda guided me. And with Husna's help through whatsapp, I successfully managed to own a blog! Woohhooo

I think owning a blog is a really great idea. Its a medium where you can express your thoughts sepanjang mana yang kau nak, takde limit limit (I still love twitter though). I have so many things on my mind that I wanna share right now, I don't know where to even start!

Anyways, cheers for a new blog Salsa! :))

**here's a selfie for you. To those who know me, you know I don't really selfie yaww aight

xoxo gossip girl ahahahhahaha

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