Its 2 a.m right now, dah May 1st la kira. So its officially Labour Day woohhoo!
This is the study week for CFSIIUM students, aku pun rasa macam pekerja sebab macam cuti je hahaha. Since its labour day, I want to talk about pekerja pekerja dekat our beloved country, Malaysiaaa :)
As we all know, we have many foreign workers here. Arabs, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Indonesians, Thais, Burmese, mat salleh pun ada and banyaaak lagi. You guys can see it too, mat salleh mana ada kerja kat restaurants yang tepi2 jalan macam tu. In my scope, mat salleh semua kerja kat office for big companies here, or embassies. If you're at somewhere near the embassy punya area, you can see lots of mat salleh driving cars with red plate number yang tulis DC kat belakang (I think it stands for Washington DC)
So yeah actually I want to narrow it down to tenaga buruh la. But Labour Day is Hari Buruh kan? Ahh never mind. I wanna share about what I think about these Bangladeshi Indonesian Burmese workers in Malaysia.
Some think bangla this bangla that. Orang indo buat tu orang indo buat ni. We look down on them. Its not good.
Kalau takde diorang, sape nak buat kari ayam and nasi kandar for us when we go to Kayu or Pelita or mana mana lah. Indonesians pulak.. The maids kat rumah semua. Or even makcik cleaner in our UIA itself. Some of makcik cleaners here that I know are really nice. They talk to me macam aku ni anak diorang or adik diorang. They must be missing home a lot. Ada yang dah tua tua datang kerja sini for the sake of money to supply for their family back home in Indonesia.
I have maids at home in Kelantan too. Ada yang dah kerja 16 years with us. And they are good people. Of course we heard cases yang maid pukul baby, or maid rompak rumah, or maid letak racun dalam makanan tuan rumah etc etc. But not all of them are bad. We can't stereotype and think all Indonesians or all Bangladeshis are the same.
We have some Bangladeshi workers in ZC too. Ada yang baru start kerja.. I know this because I managed to chit chat with them for a while hahaha. And yes, they don't understand Malay. I was buying waffles. I ordered "waffles chocolate, garing" At first I was afraid maybe dia tak faham. But he said dia faham. Then bila nak letak tu.. dia letak chocolate, ok la. Then dia tanya "garing ni yang mana?" He asked me which flavour garing was..... hahahaha. Dia ingat garing tu salah satu perisa. So I tried to explain to him macam mana, tapi dia tak faham jugak so takpe lah. I surrender.
But you see, some people don't have the patient to bersabar dengan diorang kalau diorang tak faham bahasa macam ni. Dude come on. They try their best to understand us, trust me..
Sometimes we people are selfish. We don't try to put ourselves in their situation. What would we do if we were them. How would we feel if we were treated this way.. We never think of that.
We are proud of our nation.. Of our country Malaysia. So do something to make them proud of us too lah. Jangan nak proud dekat luar luar je. Luar and dalam biar sama.
Anyways, its Labour Day. Happy holiday to all workers!!! Malaysians toooo. Teachers officers pak guard mak guard UIA semua. Banyak sangat nak list.
You guys have funnn! Me and Husna are going for a borong-buku-date esok :D
P.S : Excuse me kalau ada errors in grammar or spelling ke apa apa. Ngantukkkk. Buenas noches <3
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